


Join Us

Please give AMPAK a chance to get to know each other
AMPAK strives for "the right person for the right job" and "the best person for the right job". We cherish every opportunity to meet with you and look forward to meeting you face to face

Send your resume to us

Priority will be given to those who have registered in the 104 recruitment system. Please clearly indicate the position you are applying for and your contact information.

Resume screening

It will take about 1 to 2 weeks to evaluate your information and arrange an interview. Thank you for your patience.

Invitation to interview

Qualified candidates will be notified for an interview. If you are not available or need to reschedule, please contact our HR representative in advance.

  • Appointment procedures
  • Reporting to work notification
  • Candidate data saved in the talent pool

Please Fill out the contact form and submit your resume.

Contact us

Learning Development

The company values talent as an indispensable asset,AMPAK provides a comprehensive talent development program, rich career development possibilities and a win-win strategy that advances corporate development and lifelong learning

Welfare System

We offer a competitive pay and benefits package and we treat employees as family members.
We can work together only if we share a consensus. AMPAK people's consensus: positive thinking, initiative, gratitude and feedback, quality and efficiency, a high-caliber team.

Salary policy
  • year-end bonus
  • bonus for three major holidays
Profit sharing

Employee profit-sharing and creating and sharing profit together

Medical insurance

Eligibility for labor insurance, health insurance and comprehensive group insurance

Leisure life

Travel allowances, exciting welfare committee activities, year-end banquets with stunning prizes

Convenience measures

Sound staff parking arrangement so that employees no longer need to worry about parking

Medical protection

Regular employee health check-ups

Heartwarming subsidies
  • wedding gift
  • childbirth subsidy
  • funeral allowance
Thoughtful touches
  • birthday gifts
  • meal allowance for employees
Open channels

a comfortable working environment, humane management, a harmonious atmosphere and open employee communication channels